Monday 8 July 2013

Poinciana - Sorry it's late, late, late

Bet you thought that I'd forgotten about this painting.

Well I hadn't.

It's been sitting on my easel for the past couple of months, periodically taunting me with:

"Come on Kate, Kate, Mate,
Stop being late, late, late..."

Yes, it is incredibly annoying to have an inner voice that  sometimes resorts to pitiful rhyming couplets that don't make sense.

Anyway, I knew that I nearly had the painting finished when a week or two ago a couple of plasterers were repairing my ceiling (leak followed by plaster sagging, let's not go there).  They said to me "Hey, who painted that tree thing over there?" (flicking dust over my sofa as they pointed in the direction of this artwork still sitting on easel).  I said "Me."  They said, "It's really good, you've got talent." I said "Thanks".  

(I suppose I probably shouldn't share that our conversation continued with "Hey, are you frying an egg in your fry pan for lunch?" and I said "Yes," and they said "It smells really good." )

Anyway, there are just a few little bits and bobs on this painting I'd like to rectify, but I think for all intensive purposes, it's done.  Only problem is now I've got to work out what I want to paint next.


Anyway, thanks for stopping by, see you 'round soon,


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