Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Fun With Impasto, Take 2

It seems like forever since my famous impasto incident took place.  (It occurred while creating one of my favourite paintings, the Sunflowers.)

After thinking about it this afternoon, I realised I shouldn't abandon using impasto just because of one lousy experience.  With a braver hand than heart, I cracked open the jar (literally - the impasto had sealed the lid shut onto the bottle) and fervently went about creating the following minature painting (shown actual size):

Pink enough for you?
I've used a pink gerbera as inspiration, as I had one on hand from a bouquet of flowers given to me last week.  They were given to me for no other reason than 'just because'. (Don't you love that?  Thanks honey! :-) x)

I decided to magnify it a zillion (well, a few) times and try an almost abstract style, plastering impasto petals all over the canvas.

Whilst the painting may not have completely worked, I think it shows some possibilities.  In fact, I'm starting to imagine this concept could work on a much bigger scale.   Can you see what I can see?  Are you nodding your head in agreement?  Oui?  Non?

I think I'll take it to art class tomorrow night to see if my teacher, Ms Kathy can give me a little assistance to fine tune the details of this little artwork and to help me develop my future idea further.  I wonder what will transpire in the next little while - oh how I love a mystery!

1 comment:

  1. I think that the impasto adds texture and dimension to the petals. I like it ! :-)


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