Monday 25 July 2011

Pernicious Pencil Pushing

In some ways, this picture is the best.

There was a wee lass from Brissy
Who drew people 'till she became dizzy
Was she dizzy because 
Her proportions were coarse
Or because she'd drunk way too much fizzy?

Honestly, the caption says it all.

Meet Chucky, the ultra freaky baby! :-)
I'm not sure. All I do know with absolute certainty is that trying to practice your drawing skills while you have three, yes count 'em, *three* children home sick with a gentile combination of fevers, vomits, coughing and general malaise is enough to send anyone reaching for the biggest bottle of pepsi known to Kate-kind.
<sob!> Even my pictures are laughing at me.


One day,  I'm sure I  shall look back on this page and say "Oh, ha ha, tee-hee, ho-diddly-ho Kate, you funny thing".  It's not going to happen today though. 

Anyone happen to know where I hid that other bottle of diet cola?   ;-)

On a happier note, I can't wait to show you my finished landscape/mixed media painting in a couple of days time.  Take care and I'll see you later! x 


  1. Looking good Kate. I hope the family are better now. Your work is great too.


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